Become a Member of the Break Free Membership and Get Access To My Tested And Proven Frameworks, Healing Tools, Coaching And Confidential Community - Designed For Women Who Have Felt Worthless For Way Too Long, Have Had Enough Of Putting Themselves Last And Who Are Ready To Go On A Journey Of Healing To Make Sure The Past Never Repeats Again
By award-winning coach and narcissistic abuse survivor Dr. Annie Kaszina

For the longest time, I felt hopeless and destined to be miserable.
Growing up as the invisible child of narcissistic parents, then thinking I was breaking free from them, to only land in the hands of my narcissistic husband, left me feeling utterly alone, worthless and powerless.
When I said “I do”, I thought I had found my Happily Ever After.
Instead, I realized that I had signed up for the Silent Treatment, being blamed for everything and being labelled a bad mother.
And because of my child, I felt like I couldn’t leave so I stayed until I thought I would die of misery.
Until I discovered that what I had been through was domestic violence and something in me that I thought was utterly broken started to shift.
The more I researched domestic violence, the more appalled I was. 1 in 4 women?
I got so mad I promised myself if I ever found a way to BREAK FREE, I would make sure no other woman felt as worthless and as lonely as I felt at my lowest.
While I wasn’t sure that I was worth it or that much lay ahead for someone as broken as me, I was determined to do my part to save other women from the kind of misery that I had been through.
That was the beginning of my journey to meaning, happiness, and peace of mind.
Thanks to the research skills acquired during my Ph.D., I started to learn how someone as profoundly hopeless and negative as I was could possibly heal.
So I went on a personal development and healing journey.
I started writing ( “The Woman You Want To Be” book was created in barely a month).
I retrained as a coach.
I began running courses for women at my local refuge and found meaning.
That passion led me to where I am today: an internationally acclaimed expert on narcissistic abuse.
It has taken me from being a retiring little mouse to someone who teaches other women to show up in the world as the fierce, feisty, fun women they really are deep inside.
And there’s nothing that lights me up more than seeing women like you, unleash those parts of them that have been suppressed for so long.
How do you get past the brokenness and the fear that your life without them will be even worse than it has been with them?
And how do you get over the feelings of worthlessness so you can finally find the peace and fulfilment you long for?
I tried that and so did most of my clients.
It can cost tens of thousands of dollars (over $20k in my case) and years of trial and error looking for the right therapist.
And even the good ones, as helpful as they are, they rarely truly understand what it’s like to have a trauma bond with a narcissistic parent or spouse.
So while I do believe in therapy, what helped me most was joining a local domestic violence group because it stopped me feeling alone.
That sense of community was priceless to me.
Rebound relationship?
I thought about that.
But I realised that rushing into the next relationship to prove I was good enough would be NO good for me at all.
I was too traumatized and unable to trust anyone.
I had to heal first.
I realised that my emotional problems wouldn’t go away and their intensity meant that I just didn’t have the bandwidth to make good decisions about my future (yet).
Well, here’s what I did (which is the exact same process I use with my clients today):
- I accepted that healing wasn’t going to be a quick fix and that I needed to reclaim the self that I had lost in my long abusive marriage.
- I accepted that there was no way to make a change without changing my environment.
- I accepted that I needed to invest my time and effort into my healing, which is why I dived deep into the world of personal development. Ultimately, that is the only thing that helped me become happy, fulfilled, doing work that I love and having a lovely, loving partner.
And the roundabout route which I had taken of discovering myself first so that I could, finally, live my vocation led me to working with other wonderful survivors of narcissistic abuse and finding myself with over 92k+ followers, fully booked 1-2-1 practice, publishing 3 books, winning awards and being featured in dream magazines and publications for the work that I do.
If someone like me who was utterly broken can have:
- A loving relationship
- A fulfilling second life that I would never have imagined
- Financial stability
- The kind of creativity and self-confidence that I would never have dreamed possible.
I believe it’s truly possible for everyone.
If I can go from broken-hearted, codependent, in love with a narcissist to healthy, happy and thriving in a loving relationship I know it’s possible for you too.
But I have to be honest with you and tell you that healing is a lifelong journey.
There will be challenges along the way.
But if you access a healthy, supportive environment, that will give you the encouragement to stick with it so that you can change your life.
If you surround yourself with the right people, you will not feel alone.
When you realize that being good to yourself emotionally, and feeling good about yourself are directly linked… everything changes.
And that’s why for years, I was thinking of ways I could give you the same experience I had that took me from my lowest to where I am today.
Well, except, without it having to take you years of trial and error finding out what works and what doesn’t.
I wanted to create the kind of space that was safe, wouldn’t cost anywhere near what therapists do and could help you learn in months what took me years.
- Never ever worrying about falling prey to narcissistic abuse ever again.
- Breaking the generational trauma once and for all so your kids can grow up happy, healthy and have loving relationships.
- Having strong personal boundaries that nobody could break or take advantage of.
- Healing your heart and opening yourself up to true love - romantically and otherwise.
BREAK FREE Membership with Dr. Annie
A safe and confidential community for women who have experienced narcissistic abuse and are ready to break free of the past, take the path of healing and rebuild their inner strength and self-worth.


You could go to therapy or counseling for weeks, months, or even years - without ever learning how to break free from the trauma bonds and toxic patterns. This membership, priced at less than the cost of a therapy session provides. you with ALL the support, tools, information and blueprints you need for years to come in the order in which you need to use them - so that you can finally break free.

You have a life and a sense of self to rebuild. You want to be focusing your time and energy on that, rather than falling into the old pattern of agonizing about things going wrong again… until it feels safer to just do nothing. Now, you can speed up the healing process and notice a significant difference within your first 30 days in the membership.

When you don’t know how to break free from the old patterns but know you cannot afford to repeat them, you spend so much time worrying about getting it wrong and playing out worst case scenarios. This membership lets you move on with your life free from exhausting and unnecessary stress, anxiety and guilt.

The last thing you need is more disappointment, rejection and heartbreak. Can you imagine how good it will feel to know that you can trust yourself, keep yourself safe and protect yourself from future heartbreak? The membership will help you to identify toxic people before they get too close to you and give you the confidence that comes from knowing that you have the strength you need.

Can you imagine how much safer and more confident you will feel, secure in the knowledge that you decide who - and how close - anyone gets to you- without feeling guilty, selfish or anxious that you might be “overreacting?” I. you're the kind of woman who has been putting herself last way for way too long, your transformation will be inspiring for you and your kids.

It's one thing to work on yourself alone or with a therapist. It's a completely different healing experience when you're in a 'room' full of women who have gone through abuse and are going on the same journey of healing. You'll not only be learning from me, but also from the hundreds of women in the membership too.
All content that I drop in this membership will be around one of 4 core foundations
Whether it’s your partner or family member, understand why narcissists act the way they do. When you learn how to deal with them, you will never feel powerless again and you'll know exactly how to break free from them without guilt, ending the trauma bond forever.
Whether you’re a recovering people-pleaser or have a really strong trauma bond, break free from those patterns, create lifelong boundaries so you can become the happiest version of yourself in all areas of your life - emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually.
Having to co-parent with a narcissist? Worrying that your traumatic childhood will affect your children? No matter who abused you in your past, if you have children, it’s crucial that you break free from the generational trauma so you don’t pass it on to your kids. This pillar will show you how to do it.
Whether you’re ready to date or you just want to get better at building relationships in general, you’ll learn how to break free from the toxic relationship patterns, how to communicate, set boundaries and how to show up as your most authentic self so people can fall in love with the real you.

Monthly Video Series Drop by Dr. Annie focused on the BREAK FREE PILLARS
(Value: $1000)
Every month in your membership area you’ll receive binge-worthy video series on the 4 break free pillars with actionable homework that you can watch access and do any time. I’ll be sharing my tested and proven healing techniques, modalities and frameworks I’ve used over the last 17 years. My 1-2-1 clients pay thousands of dollars for those insights. I’ll choose what foundation to focus on based on the community needs. Whenever necessary, I’ll bring you workbooks and cheat-sheets so you can work through the homework. You can access your membership area anytime anywhere, via computer or your mobile phone.
Total duration: Up to 1 hour per month

Live Group Coaching Calls Every Month With Dr. Annie
(Value: $7500)
Every first Wednesday of the month, we’ll get together on a Zoom live hot-seat group coaching call where you can ask me your most burning questions. And even if you don’t ask questions, you’ll learn from the answers I give to all the women who are going through the same situation. You’ll also have the chance to participate in small focused groups with other women so you can connect and support one another. Since working with me 1-2-1 starts from $1000 a month, this is the only way to get access to me affordably. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live because those sessions will be recorded and available in your membership.
Duration: 1 hour 30 mins per month

Monthly Guest Expert Interview
(Value: $1500)
Expert advice can be expensive. In this membership, I am planning to bring some of my top guest experts in the sphere of trauma work, divorce lawyers, narcissism and so much more. Whatever you need, I have the contacts and I’ll bring them to tell you exactly what to do, without having to pay thousands of dollars for their expertise.
Duration: Up to 1 hour per month

24/7 Access to a Safe and Confidential Facebook Community for members only
(Value: priceless)
There’s nothing more powerful than being in a room full of women who get it. We’re going to create an incredible space together of support, confidentiality and healing. We’re going to laugh together, we’re going to cry together. Ultimately, we’re going to break free and rise together. This will be hosted in a Private Facebook Group.
Duration: Participate as much or as little as you want.
Erin W.
"I found Dr. Annie at my lowest point, when I felt gutted by my narcissist and devoid of hope that would ever find peace again. A few months later, I was free from him, legally and figuratively which has allowed me to take so many steps toward living life on my own terms, traveling when and where I desired,developing profitable work that I enjoyed"
Lydia W.
"I was physically assaulted by my ex partner, coupled with the years of verbal abuse, gaslighting and controlling behaviours, I had hit an all time low point in my life. . . Working with Dr. Annie, within a very short timeframe I have experienced tremendous personal growth and healing . . . I have learned to trust and love myself. . . I am astounded to have such rapid and permanent change in myself."
Ellie S.
“Dr. Annie has been a blessing. Unable to reconcile my distress after four years of abuse, I had to find a way out of my bed.
I was imprisoned in his abusive reality. Dr. Annie is uniquely gifted to help because her first-hand knowledge of abuse means dispensing with the need to prove the case. It was obvious she was unperturbed by the fact I am a Psychologist . After 5 months, I am finally free!"
Corinne De F.
“One of the things that was making my life so painful was the problem with my father. Previously I had felt terrible guilt and sadness – even though my father had done a lot of damaging things. Dr. Annie helped me break free from that. Now I am able to accept that these sad situations and they are not such a heavy load. The work we did together has given me a second chance at having a wonderful life."
Anum B.
“I came across Dr. Annie's work when I had just decided to end my abusive marriage and I was a mess. I was lacking emotional support from family and could see no light at the end of the tunnel. My biggest learning was the need to stop blaming myself and start speaking to myself with kindness and love that I would offer to my loved ones. She has a way of putting things in a straightforward, simple and easy to understand manner. I simply could not have reached this far without her help.”
Leonia W.
“Anxiety and poor self-esteem used to be my constant companions. Working with Dr. Annie has changed that in a permanent way. I now see why and where I was leaving myself open to abusive behaviour but most importantly how to spot it and deal with it effectively. I am an avid reader and have worked with others but no one has been able to help me as Dr. Annie has."
Sandra L.
“All this time, I had believed I was a failure because I had let several people abuse me. There was my father, my first abusive boyfriend and then my second one . . . And then, thanks to Dr. Annie, I realized that it wasn’t me who failed, but them. . . I had always looked up to resilient people. Now, I realize that I am one of them."
Susie F.
“I can’t believe I am finally making choices for myself without worrying about what anyone else is going to say.”

- You grew up feeling disregarded, invalidated or invisible in difficult or narcissistic families.
- You are preparing to leave a bad relationship but don’t know if you can find the courage to do it.
- You have left and don’t want to make the same mistake again.
- You have gotten out of the relationship, have done some healing but still find toxic people showing up in your life.
- You have done therapy or personal development work but wonder “is that all there is?”
- You are ready to date and you would love to have a healthy, loving relationship.
- You are sick of playing small in the workplace and want to step up your career.
- You have always put yourself last and everyone's been telling you it's time to change that.
- You have children and you want to ensure you don't continue the vicious cycle of generational trauma.

So how does it work and when will the first content be published?
What’s your refund and cancellation policy?
Will I have 1-2-1 access to Annie?
I am worried my abuser will find out I am in this membership, can my participation and purchase be confidential and anonymous?
Is this for women only?
My abuser was my mother/father or caregiver, not my partner - is this membership for me?
Is this LGTBQ-relationships friendly?
I have never been abused, however I still feel like I am a people pleaser and that hasn’t helped my love life - is this membership for me?
That all sounds good but what if I can’t afford it?
Not sure if this will work with you? Check out these client testimonials and their experience with Dr. Annie
I now see why and where I was leaving myself open to abusive behaviour but most importantly how to spot it and deal with it effectively. Lisa M.
I got the validation that I needed to get me through a toxic family dynamic. Annie has made me stronger mentally and emotionally.” Maylene Hugh-Sam
"I know who to go to if I ever have emotional issues in any relationships in my life.” Antonina Romano
"I feel so much more centred in such a short amount of time. With the other counsellors, after over a year, I felt like a bat in a belfry. You give me the tools.”
Dina K.
"I now live without fear, without anxiety and much much more self confidence. I may have lost 20yrs, but through Dr. Annie's work, I have gained the rest of my life."